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Paycheck Protection Program - Computer and Phone - Services

With the new Paycheck Protection Program, businesses across the country are receiving a little boost to make it through the unique time we are all facing. Like other small businesses, Dogwood has applied for the program and look forward to being able to have a little more assurance to pass on to our staff during this time. 

While we would never suggest using this money for anything other than its original intent, if you find that you can meet its obligations and still have “extra” money – then consider these suggestions for ways you can ramp up your marketing efforts.

New Website

I’ve spoken to many businesses who said it became very clear that their site was not ready when they were forced to close their physical location. People could have still been purchasing their products if their site had a functional store with their products in it. 

Let’s put that Paycheck Protection Program money to work because now is the time to go ahead and fix that! 

We can build out a new site that includes shopping functionality and either build out your store in full or teach you how (via Zoom of course!) to do it yourself once the framework is complete. It all depends on the size of the online store and which options you choose. 

Website Revisions

If your site has already been redone in the past year, it may already be up to snuff. In that case, all that may be needed is to add some additional functionality that moves your business online more. Any site we have built, and most other sites already built-in WordPress have the ability to add this functionality. 

Social Media Marketing

People are using social media like crazy now. Since the pandemic hit, many people are now working from their home and because of that social media usage has increased dramatically. Surprisingly, a lot of the conversations are positive. People are using social media to encourage each other and support local businesses.

If you don’t have a presence on social media then you aren’t taking advantage of this sentiment. Our current situation requires the next level of open interaction and communication. If you are honest with people about what you need – we are finding they are willing to help. Even if it’s not them, they’ll share your message with a friend. 

You could even share your own Paycheck Protection Program story and how you are helping your own employees out during this time!

Pay Per Click Advertising

Very similar to social media, online searches have increased. Maybe people are looking for you and what your business offers. This method of advertising ensures that your message is more likely to be at the top of the page. Search Engine Optimization while good for the long haul, won’t act fast enough to generate the traffic you need right now. That said, even though you are advertising using pay-per-click advertising, don’t neglect taking care to optimize your site for search. Play the long and short game simultaneously! 

Email Marketing

I’m a firm believer in the power of email marketing. We have been able to set up systems with clients where we can track an email being sent out followed by the direct correlation to purchases happening on their site. The key is laying the groundwork to collect email addresses and using automated emails to send our regular correspondence. We can set it up to work for you even when you aren’t working. 

Now is the time to get creative. No matter what your business is, it’s time to innovate and adapt. You are an entrepreneur. You make things happen. You are a creative force. Let’s get to work. We are and we’re ready to help you too. 

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