LoganCan.com site speed

Recently Logan Cantrell who blogs at LoganCan.com came to us with two issues – her site speed was slow and her theme was broken.


We’re actually big fans of the Genesis theme she was using. We quickly determined that the parent theme had not been updated before the most recent WordPress version came out. We ran a code change that disabled the change, updated the theme, and then took it back live. That fixed the site!

Site Speed:

Now, the next issue was the page load speed. We ran a site speed test on Google with the previous host to benchmark the results. After that, we moved the site to our hosting environment with WpEngine. This is where it gets good.

The site received a score of 49 from Google before moving. After enabling the content delivery network and object caching the score came up to a 92.

Here is the kicker – we’ve added an extra step that not every host will have. We’ve partnered WpEngine with WPRocket to enable even faster sites. And we are doing this for no additional costs for our current clients and future clients. Check out the results below:

Site Speed Improvements 1

The time to interactive dropped from 5.0 seconds to 0.9 seconds. 

Here are some benefits to having a fast site:

Google loves fast sites. Your search results will most likely go higher. Faster sites are part of a good search engine optimization strategy which is another tool we can help with too.

Your clients expect your site to load fast53% of mobile site visits leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load.

While this is a great example, we can’t promise site speed decreases to everyone. There are a lot of conditions involved based on where you are hosted now and with your site. That said, if you aren’t with us, the chances are pretty good that we can probably speed your site up. We’d love the opportunity to give it a shot!

Contact us today to get the conversation started!

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