woman sitting in front of a laptop worried because the website no longer runs Flash.

Back in 2017 Adobe announced its plans to stop supporting Flash at the end of 2020. Fast forward, it’s now 2020 and what does this mean?


If your site is still using flash at this point, it’s time to hit the emergency button. Right now any time someone visits your site they are already getting asked if they want to run flash. By the end of this year, they aren’t going to ask anymore. It’s just not going to be an option. Your site will basically be useless at that point. (If you don’t know if you are running flash, there is an easy way to find out at the end of this post.)


We know you built a really cool site 10 years ago and probably paid a lot of money to build it. A lot has changed since then: 

  • Security expectations have increased dramatically. 
  • The need for speed has taken precedent. Page load times need to be under 3 seconds (or faster) or people will bail.
  • Mobile traffic is up 222% in the past 7 years alone. Even with 4G and 5G speeds, a mobile device can’t keep up with the speeds you get from wifi. Your site has to be able to respond.
  • Speaking of responding, responsive technology where your site adapts itself to fit the device has been the norm since 2014. 
  • Back in 2010, Tik Tok was just a song by Kesha and not one of the fastest growing social media platforms of today. 


To find out if your site is currently running Flash, go here and input your web address. 


If you are one of the 3 percent of sites on the web now that still uses flash, let’s talk, and fast. Time is of the essence and we need to get to work right now on getting your site ready for 2021. 

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