A woman's hands blogging on a laptop about the reasons your business should have a blog.

We know as a business owner you have a lot on your plate but in the digital marketing world, a blog can have a huge impact on your sales. Don’t dismiss the thought yet as we share 4 reasons your business should have a blog on your website.

1) A Blog Positions You as the Expert

No matter your field, sharing content on a blog will position you as the expert. Sharing tips and tricks, case studies, behind the scenes, or emotional content connects you to your readers. While we would never advise you to share proprietary information or trade secrets, sharing what you do and love shows your readers that you know what you are doing. It builds connection and confidence in your services. 

2) A Blog Increases Your Rankings In Search Results

In our previous post on SEO, we mentioned that one of the things Google likes to see on your website is that the content is updated regularly. Your website pages may be set up exactly like you like them (and if not please reach out, we can help!) but the information may not have changed since you built it. When you post one blog a month that means your content has changed. You can also incorporate important keywords that your clients are searching for to increase views of your site and possibly a new customer! Increasing organic traffic through SEO is one of the strongest reasons your business should have a blog.

3) A Blog Creates Shareable Social Media Content

We know everyone struggles with what to post sometimes for their business’ social media (again we can help with that). Blog content can be shared on almost all platforms and create discussion amongst your followers. Quality blog content can also be re-shared multiple times. When users click your blog link from social media, it also helps your SEO as shared above.

4) A Blog Gives Insight Into Your Business

According to a 2013 study conducted by Google and Nielson, “consumers are spending time researching on their smartphones (15+ hours a week), their research starts with a search engine (vs. a mobile site or app)”  You know that since this study these numbers have grown even more. Regular blog posting of quality content that utilizes keywords they are searching for will help them find you and also give them an idea of WHO you are and WHAT you do — a “digital” first introduction so to speak.

No Idea Where to Start? We Can Help! 

At Dogwood, we love writing blogs for our clients. You can even decide how many blogs you want posted per month. Most of our clients have us write 2 blogs a month — some more and some less. We discuss content topics before and clear them with you. You can rest assured your company will be represented well with a professional voice and photos. 

Would you prefer to do the writing? We can help get your blog up and running for you. Let’s start a conversation and see how blog writing might benefit your business. 

P.S. Want to see some examples of our blog writing? We just launched our digital lifestyle magazine called The Dogwood Journal. Check out the works of our staff writers to get a glimpse of their talents!

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