Dogwood is made up of a group of people who are passionate about what we do and love being able to help organizations in our community succeed. This is the story of us!

Beth is our client experience specialist and works to make sure that each of our clients are well taken care of. Mom of 2 and lover of all thing’s essential oils, Beth is what we call the best of the best!

Here is Beth’s story:

Brian and Beth have known each other since elementary school, but 3 years ago Beth and her family moved just a few doors down from Brian’s family. One day while sitting in the neighborhood park, Brian mentioned needing to hire a part time position for Dogwood. Beth is first and foremost a mom, but both of her kids would be going to school soon, so she applied for the job! A week later, she met with Brian and Thomas, and the rest is history!

There are many things Beth was impressed by when just getting started at Dogwood. One of the first things she noticed was how each employee valued people over profit. They were brilliant business minds and experts in their field, but they genuinely cared about seeing their clients succeed. She knew that this was the place for her!

Beth says one of the main reasons she loves working at Dogwood is the character of the business. From the very beginning Thomas and Brian made it clear to her that family came first. While they value hard work and getting things done, they recognize that family is most important, right under faith.

“The fact that I know they support me in taking care of home first makes me want to work all the harder at my job. It is a critical component that is missing in many workplaces I believe. Everyone there likes to laugh and laugh at themselves too. That makes it fun.

Beth Gillem

Beth has learned a lot at Dogwood, especially about the digital marketing and website world! The technical side fascinates her, but she is glad to leave that to the experts in the office. Instead, she finds her niche as the “people person.” Beth has realized the importance of a good working relationship with clients and how that can benefit a business for the better.

Beth’s favorite part of her job is meeting the needs of her clients – and she does a fabulous job at that! Talking with them and figuring out exactly how Dogwood can help make their business all that it can be makes her so proud of the work that Dogwood does.

Funny Beth Story

There are lots of fun times that we have had with Beth in the office. One of the most memorable ones was when she was first learning WordPress. The hosting site that Dogwood uses for all of its sites is WP Engine – WordPress Engine. In her brain, all she saw was W Penguin – so that is how she referenced it! Thomas and Matt loved her mistake so much that they made her a special sign and t-shirt to remember the moment forever.

From the Words of Beth …

“Being proud of your company and the work they provide is HUGE.  The fact that I know we can build a great looking website, create quality content for social media, design an amazing logo, or produce a beautiful commercial makes me want to share it with anyone and everyone. I am fulfilling a need for a person in an amazing way that we are both proud of. That is something I can get behind any day of the week. That’s Dogwood.”

Beth Gillem

She can tell you about each of the services that we offer and would love to sit and chat about which ones would best serve you and the goals that you have. Get to know Beth, get to know Dogwood. Let’s get started! 

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