first impressions

First impressions aren’t always what you think. I’ve been at Dogwood now for about 4 months and while I never could’ve imagined I’d be in Montgomery, I’m so glad I am! This is my first real job after recently graduating college in May. When I first applied to Dogwood I looked at the website and saw all the nice people under the crew tab. I thought, oh these people look nice and could be fun to work with one day. Little did I know I’d soon have an interview and then another and then I was offered the job and got to meet all of them. Here are some of my first impressions of the Dogwood crew.

First Impressions

Brian: I first met Brian while interviewing at Dogwood. I knew he was the boss right away. He asked really good questions and actually cared about what I had to say. I instantly felt very comfortable talking to him about myself, my experience, and even my travels. He also learned pretty early on that I get startled very easily so I am always on alert for a potential jump-scare.

Lauren: I also met Lauren through my interviews. I remember she asked me about how I take criticism and what I do when I need help. Now Lauren knows those answers very well. I could tell in my first days of working here that Lauren is very smart and she basically can solve all problems. This is proven to be true to this day. Also, Lauren can answer any and all grammar questions because somehow she knows all the rules.

Matt: I could tell from the beginning that Matt is pretty funny. He’s a great asset to the company. Upon meeting him I did think that it was an interesting choice to go with the full red beard but hey like he always says, what you do outside of the office is none of my business. Matt also, sometimes reluctantly, helps me with all my technology issues. 

Thomas: I don’t remember what Thomas ate when we all went to lunch during my second interview but I’m pretty sure it was a plain burger or chicken fingers. He loves him some corndogs and I respect that. Other than his food preferences, I remember thinking that he is very busy and talks about things I do not understand. This is still true.

Erin: My first impression of Erin is that she is an angel and the sweetest person on earth. Also, she is the girl that answers the phones. In the beginning, I remember thinking does this girl get hiccups every day? And the answer is yes. As I’ve gotten to know Erin I’ve learned she loves a good laugh and she’s a great dancer. She’ll even help you drive men away! (And help you guard your heart.) Truly a blessing to us. 

Megan: When I first met Megan she was very pregnant and I was so stressed for her. One day I remember walking into the office and hearing that Megan was having contractions but nonetheless she showed up to work and actually had her baby weeks later. I could never. Megan is such a good mom and tells everyone to be safe when they go anywhere. On top of that, she is always so good at making me laugh.

Kristen: Kristen is like the coolest person ever. She is very chill and I love that about her. When I first came to Dogwood I was grateful for Kristen because she is a fellow Alabama graduate. I knew she’d be willing to fight these Auburn people with me and that she does. She also is so funny, like she has these one-liners that make everyone in the office laugh. It’s the best thing ever. Kristi is a hoot and a half.

Jesse: My first impression of Jesse was that he is somewhat of a mystery. He’s pretty oblivious to most things that happen in the office and it’s quite comical. I also learned pretty quickly that he knows all about cryptocurrency and NFTs. I think that’s what they’re called but really if you want any advice on buying PDFs of a millionaire’s dog on the internet, Jesse’s your guy.

Slayton: Slayton was also somewhat of a mystery in that he’s too kind. Honestly, and I’ve told him this before, sometimes he’s so nice I think he’s being sarcastic. Over the past couple of months, I’ve learned he actually just is that nice. So Slayton, thank you for being nice and I don’t care what anyone says about you, you’re a good guy (and also a kiss-up sometimes).

Nick: Nick is the man behind the camera. He does all the photos and videos. My first interaction with him was when he took my headshot on my first day. I remember thinking, wow this is the real deal. He has all the equipment to get the best shots.

Beth: Lastly is Beth, and while I haven’t officially met her because she’s not in Montgomery I do see her every Monday on Google Meet. Beth seems like the best mom to her kids. I mean come on, she takes them horseback riding. That is some cool mom stuff! She also is in charge of SEO for all of our clients which is amazing because, to be honest, I know very little about that. I’m thankful for her and can’t wait to see her in person sometime soon!

With all that being said, all of these people are very good at their jobs and I feel truly blessed to be able to work alongside them every day. Not to get sappy, but it’s true! I’m so glad I get to work at Dogwood.

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