"We're Grateful For..." sign

As November begins and Thanksgiving approaches, the crew at Dogwood takes to heart that “Giving thanks is profoundly life-giving.” In this spirit, we would like to offer you a new way to express your gratitude this season. We hope that you will choose to place a “We’re Thankful for…” sign in your yard and connect personally to your neighbors. Read on for the why and how with this fun project.

How it Began

November 2016 was an election year and as I am sure you remember, tensions were high in our nation. While scrolling social media and seeing the mix of angry political posts, I was stopped mid scroll by this sign. I can’t recall who shared it first but it struck a chord with me and I was inspired to act. 

sign that says Turn off the News & love your neighbor

I went to my local Home Depot and purchased several blank yard sale signs – enough for my house and all the houses in my cul-de-sac. With a permanent marker, on one side I wrote this same message above and on the other side we listed the things we were thankful for in our home. I placed it in my front yard and then carried the others to my neighbors asking them to do the same. 

I still remember the simplicity and goodness that we all felt as we walked our street reading signs and chatting together. No arguing over politics. No worry. Just genuine gratitude and fellowship among neighbors. We were not looking at screens and reading posts but looking into each other’s faces and having real conversations. Giving thanks really is life-giving. Soon there were other signs popping up on other streets from neighbors I had not met!

Yes, Dogwood is a digital media company. We connect digital content to your business or organization but the heart of that is really connecting people together. We would like to offer you the challenge to create your own “We’re Thankful for…” sign for your yard. It is more than just putting a handwritten sign in your yard. It is getting outside and connecting with people. Sharing your blessings and encouraging them in theirs. 

Here is How:

We have many of our pre-printed signs available for a $10 suggested donation. Proceeds will go to a local Pike Road charity (doing this for profit defeats the purpose!) or you can pick up a blank yard sale sign at your local hardware store. Depending on the size, these can run $3-5 with the yard stake included. Maybe your HOA would like to do a bulk purchase for your neighborhood. Our signs can be picked up at the Dogwood office M-F from 8-5:30 at 9427 Vaughn Road in the suites above Pike Road Family Eyecare. We may be able to deliver also!

Together as a family discuss some things you are thankful for this season and write them in permanent marker on the boards. Let the kids write their own. Our signs are two-sided so you could add a second special message if you want. Place the sign in your yard together. If you are a family of faith, have a prayer time thanking God for your blessings. Every time you enter or leave your home let it be a reminder to tell your family one thing you are thankful for or a reason you are thankful for them.

Finally, encourage your neighbors to do the same. Pick them up a sign and share the challenge! This is a great reason to finally introduce yourself to that family that moved in 6 months ago but you’ve never met or to visit neighbors you have not seen in a while. Then take a walk and enjoy the life-giving signs of gratitude all around you. (If you share your sign on social media or take pics of others signs on social media, use the hashtag #signsofgratitude so we can all find them! Be sure to search it also!)

"We're Grateful For..." sign

P.S. If you happen to drive through The Orchards neighborhood, you will see an abundance of these signs. 4 of our 6 employees live there or are building there so we recruited the whole neighborhood to share their thankful signs. Later in the month, we will have a neighborhood social to walk the streets and then meet for refreshments. We challenge you all to do the same!


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